

英漢字典: feather one's nest

feather one's nest   (TTS發音)

1. use for yourself money and power,esp. from a public office 營私;飽私囊

    He used his position and in fluence to feather his nest. 他利用自己的地位和權勢謀取私利。

    She may do something for you,but she'll be feathering her own nest at the same time. 她會為你做些好事,但同時她會從中撈些好處。

    Before liberation,many officials feathered their nests through corruption. 解放前,許多官吏通過貪污中飽私囊。

2. make one's home pleasant and comfortable;decorate one's house裝飾家庭

    Furniture stores welcome young couples who want to feather their nests. 家俱店很歡迎想裝飾房屋的年輕夫婦光臨。

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